For Sale By Owner
If you are selling your home yourself or purchasing a home from an individual,
you will need a For Sale By Owner (FSBO) purchase agreement.
Information Needed for FSBO Form
In order to draw up a FSBO agreement, you will need to include specific information. This includes, but not limited to the following:
- Buyer and Seller names along with contact details.
- The sale price of your property
- Property Info, County Name, Parcel Number.
- Type of Transaction (Cash, Loan) If it’s a loan, Provide Lender contact details.
- Buyer and Seller full names along with contact details.
- The terms and conditions of the sale
Including all of this information may make a FSBO agreement quite lengthy. Depending upon the nature of your property the contract may become very complicated. However, it is important that you ensure the contract is completed carefully, as the sale of your property may not go through if there are issues with your FSBO agreement.
Once you have completed the form or have further questions, call us at 479-636-7766 or email us at
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